Killadoon Milk

Redefining milk delivery to support the Irish circular economy

Redefining milk delivery
to support the Irish
circular economy

At the heart of Killadoon Milk’s passion for sustainability are its innovative vending machines, which redefine how milk is delivered to consumers. Killadoon Milk has established a network of these eco-friendly machines in retail stores which champion a reusable glass bottle system to eliminate single-use plastic and packaging waste.

At the heart of Killadoon Milk’s passion for sustainability are its innovative vending machines, which redefine how milk is delivered to consumers. Killadoon Milk has established a network of these eco-friendly machines in retail stores which champion a reusable glass bottle system to eliminate single-use plastic and packaging waste.

Buy it, use it, refill it

Customers simply purchase a reusable glass bottle from our bottle vending machine at a participating store (or bring their own reusable bottle), then fill it directly from the adjacent Killadoon Milk vending machine. This farm-to-vending model allows Killadoon Milk to travel within hours of milking, straight from the farm to retail stores with minimal processing and transport, delivering unparalleled freshness.

How to ensure your milk will stay fresher for longer

How to ensure your milk will stay fresher for longer

How to ensure your milk will stay fresher for longer

How to ensure your milk will stay fresher for longer

How to clean your bottle, suggested method

How to clean your bottle, suggested method

How to clean your bottle and lid for reuse

How to clean your bottle, suggested method
