Please note that 23rd of December will be the last day that we'll be supplying milk in 2023, we will return with delicious fresh milk in February 2023.
For any cow to produce milk that cow has to have a calf. We are a Spring Calving Herd which means that our cows have their calves in the Spring time, which for our farm is a 6 to 8 week period starting from the 1st of February.
We start "drying-off" the cows from November through to mid-December, which effectively means we stop milking the cows. This allows the cows bodies some rest and regeneration before they have their next calf.
From 2024 we plan to supply milk to our vending machines all year round so that means we'll have to have a portion of our herd calving in the Autumn (between August and November). This will then allow us to supply milk to you all year round from 2024 onwards.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and we look forward to supplying you yet again in 2024 with delicious, wholesome fresh FRESH milk! Wishing everyone a fantastic Christmas and all the best for the New Year.